7 Techniques To Work On Lures Effectively

lure retrieve

Ever regret buying a lure?

The majority of the lures on the market already have a built-in swimming action. But some lures have no action when just retrieved in straight.

When this happens, it is very frustrating because the price of the lure is not cheap.

You should know that some lures are created with a specific purpose.

For example, a fast sinking lure is very effective when working with the jerking technique, but its action seems ‘dead’ if we only give it a damn straight retrieve.

Therefore, we have to determine the suitable technique for each lure. Then here comes the time when the understanding of how lures work seems essential to us.

This article will describe some of the step-by-step methods you can use to make the lures become your ‘killing weapon.’

Interested? Let’s start.

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Understanding Lures Action & How It’s Work

Anglers who excel with lures will usually do two things well:

  • First of all, they understand the action of each lure that gives them results.
  • Second, they cleverly adapt the lure swimming action to the needs and situation of the fishing field.

But you may be wondering:

How can I know and understand every difference of lure swimming action that suits my needs?

Today I will make this matter easy for you.

All you have to do is take a few minutes to understand each type of lure swimming action in the article below:

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Misi Memancing Toman Tasik Beris, Kedah

tasik beris kedah

Ini adalah catatan ringkas saya untuk trip memancing toman Tasik Beris yang lepas.

Ini adalah kali pertama saya ke sini untuk menduga mama toman yang dikatakan cukup ganas dan bertenaga.

Walaupun trip ini dirancang secara tergesa-gesa tanpa persediaan rapi, namun ia memberikan memori yang mendalam kepada saya.

Di sini saya catat beberapa persediaan yang wajar jika ingin menduga penghuni di sini.

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