How to Make a Smooth Conversations (Even for Someone Who’s Not Good at Talking)

make conversations better
Photo by Cole Hutson on Unsplash

I often hear complaints of this kind:

  • “my conversations don’t seem to go anywhere,”
  • “i try to say something, but then i get stuck for words and lose the thread of what i wanted to say.”

There are lots of people who are troubled by the fact that they can’t easily start conversations with others at the workplace or when having a drink somewhere, and are thus unable to form connections with others.

“I wish i could talk to people in relaxed, easy way,” they think, and a fair number may decide to learn techniques for stimulating good conversation.

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Listening To Others Make Relationships Go More Smoothly

listening to human stories
Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash

If we listen with sincerity to other people’s stories, they will be pleased and grateful..

We live in relationship with various people day by day, and that means necessarily living in different sorts of relationships.

Most of our problems dan sorrows nowadays spring from difficulties in such relationships.

These various problems relating to our relationships have a common source, namely, the inability to understand the other person’s feeling.

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Memilih Tali Pancing Terbaik: Braid VS Mono VS Fluorocarbon

tali pancing terbaikApakah tali pancing terbaik?

Ini sebenarnya satu persoalan yang agak popular dikalangan pemancing.

Sesetengah orang mungkin berpendapat tali sulam (braid) adalah pilihan muktamad.

Ada juga pemancing lebih gemar melontar fluorocarbon, dan malah ada yang tidak mempedulikan tali jenis lain selain daripada tali tangsi (mono)

Jadi bagaimana pilihan anda?

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Gewang Killer: Kaedah Menggayakan Gewang Jerkbait

gewang jerkbait
Master gewang jerkbait, Mr. Teru

Tahu apakah faktor yang paling mencetuskan nafsu ikan pemangsa untuk menyerang?

— apabila terdapat ikan kecil yang sedang cedera atau hampir mati, dimana ia adalah sasaran mudah.

Ia adalah saat yang sangat ditunggu-tunggu oleh banyak pemangsa!

Berdasarkan tabiat inilah munculnya asas penciptaan gewang jerkbait.

Gewang jerkbait dicipta untuk meniru mimik ikan yang sedang cedera, seolah-olah ia tidak dapat berenang dengan sempurna, kelemasan dan menunggu masa untuk mati.

Sebab itulah ia cukup killer untuk kebanyakkan spesis ikan pemangsa.

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